Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You can go to Harvard for free. Here's how:

Obviously the first BIG challenge is getting in - but if you have the qualifications, i.e. excellent student, lots of leadership positions in quality organizations, maybe incredible sports accomplishments, or some other unique characteristic - this is amazing to consider.

Harvard has been working hard to make their education affordable to the masses. In 2004 they offered significant tuition aid incentives to families earning less than $40,000 per year. Then in 2006 they expanded the program and "parents in families with incomes of less than $60,000 will no longer be expected to contribute to the cost of their children attending Harvard." from

Just as important is their commitment to lowering the average debt level of graduating undergraduates. "In the past decade, Harvard has reduced the median four-year debt for graduating seniors from more than $16,000 to $6,400 - less than one-third of the national average of $20,000."

This is very good news for those who qualify for an ivy league school.

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